Wednesday Night -- "The Great Exchange"

During the month of October, Grace New Covenant Church celebrated its 5th year Founder and Church anniversary.  This celebration was significant in that it was the first anniversary recognized by a celebration of this kind.  The number five in the Bible is representative of God’s grace and as a church we have experienced this unmerited favor in  an incomprehensible manner. We are truly a grateful church for the grace of God!  We don’t have enough pictures to capture the fun, every moment of praise, the spirit of love, or the presence of God.  This is our best attempt to share our memories.


Prayer is one our critical core values and the celebration began with a Prayer Meeting.
This was an atypical prayer meeting! Prayers and liturgical dance were the order of the night - what a powerful night!  A few highlights:

• The Great Exchange – liturgical dance by Silent Praise of B.A.I.T. Ministries (song by Martha Munizzi)
• The Great Exchange skit
• Brokenhearted – liturgical dance by Lela Gardner of Rhema International Dance Ministry, (song by Kirk Franklin) proceeded the Altar ministry the presence of God was awesome!
• Each portion of the service was encompassed by the spirit led prayers of GNCC members and pastoral leaders;
• Just the Beginning  (song by Kurt Carr) liturgical dance by Silent Praise was a prophetic word for GNCC!